Sunday, March 28, 2010

An Outcome of The Elitist Culture

You keep reading about how Singaporeans treat their fellow citizens as second rate objects. How did this come about? When an elitist culture takes hold, people do not treat each other with respect and kindness, but with disdain and as items to be ranked in a social hierarchy.

This elitist attitude has filtered into the mainstream and has become part of the ugly Singaporean culture. Why do we have maids, and why do so many Singaporeans treat them as slaves and servants? Singapore children order their maids around because they see their parents behave as such.

Thus, Singapore bosses, with their access to cheaper foreign labour will not want to cultivate "local talents". These "local talents", on the other hand, do not see the need to be loyal and to stick around and provide long-term service. We end up with a vicious cycle of disloyal and cynical behaviour.

Where do the people learn all this from?

Just check out how our political leaders treat the people with disdain. They demand obedience and good behaviour from everyone, while reserving for themselves a different set of standards. They do not need to explain anything to anyone, and certainly do not need to account for their mistakes. An excellent example of such elitist behaviour is exhibited by Teo Ho Pin, the Mayor of North West District. Several of our town councils have lost a lot of money speculating in Wall Street toxic products. We wonder when he's going to explain, and whether he sees the need to explain anything to anyone.

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